Discovering CDP to vCD in Veeam Cloud Connect
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) is a way for you to protect your virtual machines with a to-the-second Recovery Time Objective (RTO) based on your required Service-Level Agreement (SLA). It will also provide the minimum RTO for your mission-critical servers because the replica VMs created in the process can be powered up at any time.
Four components make up the CDP infrastructure, and they are the following:
- Backup Server – The backup server is the CDP coordinator that ensures things are communicating and working between the CDP proxy servers and the VMware hosts
- CDP Proxy – The CDP proxy replicates the VMs from the source host to the destination host
- Source and Target Hosts – There is a source host of the VM you want to protect with CDP and the target host, which is where the replica VM will be created
- I/O Filters – Each host in both the source and target cluster requires an I/O filter...