Chapter 5. Adding Collectables
What is the point of playing a game without being able to win?! It is the main purpose of a game, that you win, right? But how do you win?
Well, winning varies depending on the game's genre, but there is one thing in common between all genres: almost all games have collectables.
Now the equation is simple: in order to win, you have to collect some stuff. Take Super Mario as an example; this was my first time learning about the importance of collectables, and this game was all about collectables. Yes, of course, if you run out of time, you lose, but you can collect time as an item to increase that limit.
Even in an AAA shooter, or a similar hardcore game, you would never make it to the end of the level without getting some health pickups, or food in the most recent games.
So in a nutshell, collectables are essential. Regardless of the genre, you'll find yourself ending up with having at least one type of collectable item in your game. That&apos...