Creating the blueprint
As we discussed earlier in Chapter 2, Setting Up Your Warrior, when we finish creating the C++ code, it is not usable until we build a blueprint based on it. That's in the majority of cases, and it's the case here.
In order to put an instance of the Enemy
class into the level, we have to have a blueprint based on it first, in the same way you used to create blueprints. But this time, the base class will be Enemy
, as this is the main class we want to use for it.

But as you remember, we will always need to change default values. Despite this, you can set almost all the values within the constructor of the class, but still some values will be faster to set within the editor itself.
I've changed some settings, such as the animation blueprint value I've set to use the Bear_animationBlueprint that I've created especially for the bear enemy.

Because the blueprint we are finishing here is for an AI, there are even more values we have to set. For example, my Enemy
and AIController...