Tuples group multiple values into a single compound type. These values are not required to be of the same type.
The following example shows how to define a tuple:
var team = ("Boston", "Red Sox", 97, 65, 59.9)
In the preceding example, an unnamed tuple was created that contains two strings, two integers, and one double. The values of the tuple can be decomposed into a set of variables, as shown in the following example:
var team = ("Boston", "Red Sox", 97, 65, 59.9)
var (city, name, wins, losses, percent) = team
In the preceding code, the city variable will contain Boston, the name variable will contain Red Sox, the wins variable will contain 97, the losses variable will contain 65, and finally the percent variable will contain 59.9.
The values of the tuple can also be retrieved by specifying the location of the value. The following...