ChapterĀ 33: Employing Master Model Techniques
Each of the four functions has strengths and weaknesses. The Insert Part feature is probably the most flexible of them, mainly because of the additional items you can bring forward from the parent document, and the fact that it can handle both solid and surface bodies. The Split feature also has unique strengths because of its ability to split bodies, save multiple bodies to files, and reassemble the parts as an assembly.
If you are working with surface bodies, you must use Insert Part or Insert Into New Part. Another important strength can be found in the Save Bodies feature, which makes the child accessible from the parent and identifies the assembly in the parent.
- Master It Leading up to master model techniques, you need to be proficient with body management. Master model is really just moving the body conversation to external files.
Name the four Master Model tools.
Name three body management tools.
- Solution The four Master Model...