As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
$regex operator
options 133
2D geospatial index 233
2dsphere geospatial index 233
accumulators 190
accumulators stages 191
ACID properties
atomicity 149
consistency 149
durability 152
exploring 148
isolation 150
Active Directory (AD) 78
Active Record (AR) 111
administration tasks, with mongo shell
about 62, 63
collMod, using 64, 65
compact 63, 64
currentOp() 64
killOp() 64
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 322
use case 199-213
aggregation expressions 144, 145
aggregation framework
about 37, 72
need for 176
SQL commands, mapping to 72
versus MapReduce 73
aggregation operators
about 178
aggregation pipeline stage 178
expression string operator 185, 186
literal expression...