The last chapter of this book closes with the remaining details you need to know to be able to say: I completely mastered Lumion. We pick up from where we left off from the previous chapter and went through a few more movie effects. You learned how to use depth of field and motion blur to make the movie more believable and added some visual effects, such as Snow, Rain, Contrails, and Falling leaves. You saw how important Lumion's sounds are and how they can make all the difference. Finally, after all the hard work, you learned how to export the movie as a video file, a sequence of images, and taking advantage of the render passes. What is the next step?
The truth is that we always have room to improve our skills. Lumion is a tool that can be compared to a pencil. Just because we know how to use one doesn't mean we have the skill to draw perfectly. So, what can you do to improve your skills? Start by creating a library with images from other artists that inspire you and then study...