- abbreviations
- about / Abbreviations
- using / Abbreviations
- advanced test
- double [[ bracket used / Advanced test using [[
- Apache
- name based Virtual HostsTopicnabout / Apache name-based Virtual Hosts
- name based Virtual HostsTopicncreating / Apache name-based Virtual Hosts
- Apache name based Virtual Hosts templates
- creating / Creating the Virtual Hosts template
- creating, steps / First steps
- lines, isolating / Isolating lines
- sed script files / sed script files
- Apache Virtual Hosts / Apache Virtual Hosts
- argument identifier
- $0 / Running the script with arguments
- $1 / Running the script with arguments
- ${10} / Running the script with arguments
- $# / Running the script with arguments
- $* / Running the script with arguments
- arguments, Python
- about / Pythonic arguments
- supplying / Supplying arguments
- counting / Counting arguments
- arithmetic operations, double (( brackets used
- about / Arithmetic operations using ((
- simple maths...