The third ingredient is the Action itself. It should mute the audio and change the state of the Button. Use the following steps to create this standard Advanced Action:
- Still in the Chapter14/takeTheTrain.cptx file, use the Project | Advanced Actions menu item to open the Advanced Actions dialog.
- In the top left corner of the dialog, type muteAudio into the Action Name field.
Note that the name of the action must comply with the same strict rules as the name of the Variables (no spaces, no special characters, no reserved names).
- In the Actions area of the dialog, double-click the first line of the table.
This adds a first step to the Advanced Action. In the first column, a yellow warning sign indicates that the action is invalid in its current state. In the second column, you will find a dropdown menu containing a list of possible actions.
- Open the Select an Action... dropdown and take some time to inspect the list of possible actions.
- When...