Creating a classroom page to share with families
It's always a nice idea to have a web page where families can find out the latest happenings in the classroom, download any documents they may need (like permission slips), and get ideas on how they can support what you are doing in the classroom.
In this recipe, we will create a page similar to this. The page includes a journal, a slideshow, documents to download, and contact information. It also provides places where parents can ask questions or post comments. It's extremely simple to build, but so effective. And, it can become part of your permanent portfolio (something that might be extremely useful when applying for recertification).
Getting ready
You will need to create a journal specifically for this recipe. You will also need to create a folder in the Files section of your portfolio, for class images. Finally you will want to create a folder for the various documents parents will be accessing throughout the year. Label the folder...