Introducing terrain manipulation
Terrain manipulation is needed when you want to create large natural landscape areas, such as mountainous or valley areas that are covered with foliage. This can be in the form of trees/grass, lakes, and rivers that are covered with rocks or snow, and so on. The Landscape tool in Unreal Engine 4 allows you to creatively design a variety of terrains for your game maps easily, while allowing the game to run at a reasonable frame rate.
When playing in a map that has large outdoor terrains, for example, maps with a large number of trees or many elevations, such as mountains, the effective frame rate is expected to be reduced due to an increase in the number of polygons that need to be rendered on the screen. Hence, being well-versed in landscaping so that polygon counts are kept under control is important to ensure that the map is actually playable. It is also good to bear in mind to make use of optimization techniques, such as LOD and fog to mask the distant...