Managing hosts
Nagios offers several pages that can be used to view and modify host information. The Nagios web interface offers a view of all defined hosts, their statuses, and basic information. These can be used to determine the statuses of hosts. Hostgroup-related views also show the statuses for services bound to hosts. Host information pages also offer modifying several parameters related to host configuration.
Checking statuses
Nagios offers a panel that shows all hosts along with their statuses. It can be accessed by clicking on the Hosts link in the left-hand menu.
The following screenshot reports five hosts, all of which are currently up:

The page shows a list of all hosts, their statuses, and basic information, such as when the host was last checked and when the status last changed. It also shows the information text response from the check. The order of how the table is shown can be changed by using the arrow buttons next to each column's header.
As with the tactical overview page...