Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
Gauge charts have a very different structure compared to other Highcharts graphs. For instance, the backbone of a gauge chart is made up of a pane. A pane is a circular plot area for laying out chart content. We can adjust the size, position, and background of the pane. Once a pane is laid out, we can then put the axis on top of it. Highcharts supports multiple panes within a chart, so we can display multiple gauges (that is, multiple gauge series) within a chart. A gauge series is composed of two specific components—a pivot and a dial.
Another distinct difference in gauge charts is that the series is actually one dimensional data: a single value. Therefore, there is only one axis, the y axis, used in this type of chart. The yAxis
properties are used the same way as other series type charts which can be on a linear
, datetime
, or logarithmic
scale, and it also responds to the tickInterval
option and so on.