Coordinate conversion allows you to convert point coordinates between different coordinate systems. When you start working with multiple datasets, you'll inevitably end up with data in different coordinate systems and projections. You can convert back and forth between two of the most common coordinate systems, UTM and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), using a pure Python module called utm. You can install it using easy_install or pip from PyPI:
The utm module is straightforward to use. To convert from UTM into latitude and longitude, you can use the following code:
import utm
y = 479747.0453210057
x = 5377685.825323031
zone = 32
band = 'U'
print(utm.to_latlon(y, x, zone, band))
# (48.55199390882121, 8.725555729071763)
The UTM zones are numbered horizontally. However, vertically, the...