This chapter we studied how easy it is to crack WEP-encrypted networks, even if there are no devices connect to the target network, and even if the network is idle. We also saw a number of methods to inject packets into the traffic and cause the amount of data to increase very rapidly, in order to crack the WEP key in a very short period of time.
Then we studied all of the weaknesses that can be used by hackers in order to breach WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encrypted networks. Then we saw how hackers can use weaknesses to crack passwords and get keys for networks. Later we how as attackers are we will be able to deauthenticate, or disconnect, any device from any network, without the need to know the key.
Towards the end of the chapter we discussed how we can modify the settings of our own routers, so that we can increase the encryption and the security of the network, preventing...