Calculating flow and volume of water:
You can now either copy the code inside a file called Flow_sensor_measure_volume.ino
, or just get the complete code from the folder for this project.
In this part, we calculate the flow and volume from the sensor:
int pin = 2; volatile unsigned int pulse; float volume = 0; floatflow_rate =0; constintpulses_per_litre = 450;
We set up the interrupt:
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pin, INPUT); attachInterrupt(0, count_pulse, RISING); }
Start the interrupt:
void loop() { pulse=0; interrupts(); delay(1000); noInterrupts();
Then we display the flow rate of the sensor:
Serial.print("Pulses per second: "); Serial.println(pulse); flow_rate = pulse * 1000/pulses_per_litre;
We calculate the volume of the sensor:
Serial.print("Water flow rate: "); Serial.print(flow_rate); Serial.println(" milliliters per second"); ...