Sending out a text alert
To make A.R.E.S. a true IoT device, we will add text functionality. This will give A.R.E.S. the ability to send out text alerts when an object of interest – in our case, a dog – is detected. We will use the Twilio service for this.
We will start by setting up our Twilio account and testing the number we are assigned before we integrate text messaging functionality into A.R.E.S. We must ensure that we follow the upcoming steps carefully so that we can set up our Twilio account successfully.
Setting up our Twilio account
Setting up a Twilio account involves registering on their website, where we’ll be provided with an account SID and an auth token to authenticate API requests. Once registered, we can also obtain a Twilio phone number, which is necessary for sending SMS messages and making calls through their service. In this section, we will set up our Twilio account and send a test SMS message.
To set up our Twilio account, follow...