Apps can either be installed from Splunkbase or uploaded through the admin interface. To get started, from the Splunk Home page, you can click on Splunk Apps (shown in the following screenshot):

From there, the Apps page is displayed:

Apps can either be installed from Splunkbase or uploaded through the admin interface. To get started, from the Splunk Home page, you can click on Splunk Apps (shown in the following screenshot):
From there, the Apps page is displayed:
If your Splunk server has direct access to the internet, you can install apps from Splunkbase with just a few clicks. From the Apps page, you can click on Browse More Apps, where some of the most popular apps will be available:
In an earlier edition of this book, we chose to use a MAXMIND app, which was popular first in Splunk version 5.0, has been updated to work with the latest version of Splunk (the app is now version 10.6), and is still worth installing...