Completing the game
So far we have built a fun little toy, but it is not yet a game. We have no win or lose condition, no challenge, and no reward. We need to give the player something to do and challenge themselves with. We will start by implementing the win condition; remove all Pillars from a preset Zone. We will create some levels with a variety of Towers and Zones to clear. We will also create an Equipment Menu, so that the player can select what items they want to use and place them in the world.
Setting the win condition
The win condition for this game is to clear all Pillars and Debris from a specific Zone. The player will only be able to activate the equipment once and will have a small amount of time to clear the Zone. If they clear it, they win and move on. If it isn't cleared, they lose and they try again.
We will start by making a parent Zone that will have all the code, but is never actually placed into the world. Create a new Object,
. There is no sprite to attach...