Our next topic's a fun one: reinforcement learning. We can actually use this idea with an example of Pac-Man. We can actually create a little intelligent Pac-Man agent that can play the game Pac-Man really well on its own. You'll be surprised how simple the technique is for building up the smarts behind this intelligent Pac-Man. Let's take a look!
So, the idea behind reinforcement learning is that you have some sort of agent, in this case Pac-Man, that explores some sort of space, and in our example that space will be the maze that Pac-Man is in. As it goes, it learns the value of different state changes within different conditions.
For example, in the preceding image, the state of Pac-Man might be defined by the fact that it has a ghost to the South, and a wall to the West, and empty spaces to the North and East, and that might define the...