On Component OK
As we saw in the two previous examples, the Studio allows us to define flow conditions when a subjob, or a group of components, completes or shows errors. When we define an On Subjob Complete condition, all of the components in the subjob must complete before the next subjob is triggered.
However, we may sometimes require another subjob to commence as soon as it is able (when a specific component within a subjob is complete), rather than waiting until all of the components are complete. To achieve this, we can use the Studio's On Component OK condition.
The job illustrated in the following screenshot shows an On Component OK in use:
In this example a delimited file is read, transformed by a tMap component, sorted, filtered, and then written to an XML file. The input file is also archived once it has been read. Crucially, the archiving process happens as soon as the delimited file has been read. If, instead, the connection to the archive component had been On Subjob OK, the...