Scoping the Report Operators role
You can control which users have access to your OpsMgr reports by scoping a custom Report Operators role in the Administration workspace. This role gives users the ability to view reports based on their configured security scope. The catch here though is that after you add users or groups to the custom Report Operators role, you then need to modify security role assignments in SSRS.
Here's what you need to do to create a new custom User Role:
In the Administration workspace, right-click on User Roles, then click on New User Role and choose Report Operator from the menu.
Type a name and description to identify the new user role and as shown in Figure 10.32, click on the Add button and specify the user account (or security group) that you wish to scope this role to, then click on Next to continue.
Figure 10.32: Creating a new scoped Report Operators role
At Summary dialog box click on Create to close the wizard and create the new role.
Now double-click on the newly...