Using the Counter-Clockwise Rotate layout algorithm
In the previous recipe, you learned how to rotate a graph by specific degrees in a clockwise direction. In this recipe, you will learn about a complementary algorithm to the Clockwise Rotate algorithm. This algorithm is called the Counter-Clockwise Rotate layout algorithm.
The Counter-Clockwise Rotate layout algorithm is used in cases in which rotation of a graph or a network by specific degrees in a counter-clockwise direction is desired.
How to do it…
We will begin with the Les Misérables network and explain how to use the Counter-Clockwise Rotate layout algorithm to obtain a rotated version of the network. The steps remain the same for any other network too. So let's get started.
- Load the Les Misérables graph in Gephi.
- In the Layout panel, click on the drop-down menu that says ---Choose a layout.
- From the drop-down menu, select Counter-Clockwise Rotate. Hovering over the small round icon with i written on it should open...