The importance of semantics
In the previous section, we demonstrated how to use a technically-backed but not technically-coupled approach to define entity formats that will be precise. However, we have not yet touched upon the functional analysis itself and, looking at our example URN, urn:com:demoeditor:library:books:978-2409002205
, we can spot what needs further analysis in the different parts of the string:
: This is the scheme of the URI. It is here just to state that this is a unified resource
: This is the reverse
, the domain name of our sample company. The information is there to serve as a prefix to differentiate the entities from another vendor that would have entities with the same name, and it is reversed in order to keep the information in a logical reading order from the coarsest to the most granular.978-2409002205
: This is a sample ISBN. Again, as soon as we can, and this is essential inside pivotal formats, we...