Exercise 2: Managing Images in ACR Using the Docker CLI
This exercise guides you through the process of creating an ACR to store your container images in a central and secure registry for use by other people and services. You will push your container image to the registry using the Docker CLI. This exercise assumes you have completed Exercise 1 of this chapter.
Task 1: Creating an Azure Container Registry
Follow these steps to create and view an ACR for use in subsequent tasks:
- Create a resource group if you don’t already have one with the following:
az group create -n "<resource group name>" -l "<your region>"
- Create a new container registry, which will need to have a globally unique name, using the following:
az acr create --resource-group "<resource group name>" -n <registry name> --sku Basic
Instead of
, you could have also used-g
. So, don’t be surprised to see that also throughout...