Coding a rock, paper, scissors wrist game
You are now going to code this wrist game to be able to randomly choose rock, paper, or scissors. You can play it against yourself or use it against another human. If you have a friend that has a kit, then you can both build one and compete this way. Start by opening up New Project and giving your project a name such as Rock Paper Scissors:
- Using the default yellow when program starts block, add a purple light block named write Hello. You will need to change the word from Hello to Left.
Figure 1.34 – "Left" being programmed on the screen
- Add two yellow Events blocks named when Left Button pressed and when Right Button pressed.
- Go to the pink My Block sections of the coding blocks and make two new blocks. Name one start game and the other play again. Add these new blocks to the yellow blocks. Add the start game block for the left button and play again for the right button.
Figure 1.35 – Decision making with...