Today, we enjoy the benefits of algorithms and strategies that we did not have 20 or 30 years ago, which enable us to have amazing applications that are changing lives. Allow me to summarize some of the great and important things about deep learning today:
- Training in mini-batches: This strategy allows us today to have very large datasets and train a deep learning model little by little. In the past, we would have to load the entire dataset into memory, making it computationally impossible for some large datasets. Today, yes, it may take a little longer, but we at least can actually perform training on finite time.
- Novel activation functions: Rectified linear units (ReLUs), for example, are a relatively new kind of activation that solved many of the problems with large-scale training with backpropagation strategies. These new activations enable training algorithms to converge on deep architectures when, in the past, we would get stuck on non-converging...