I discussed some of the ingredients for a successful cybersecurity strategy in Chapter 8, Ingredients for a Successful Cybersecurity Strategy. These include what I consider to be a critical ingredient, the Cybersecurity Usual Suspects, that is, the five ways that organizations get initially compromised.
I have spent most of the preceding chapters in this book discussing the most common threats that CISOs and security teams are typically concerned about, including vulnerabilities, exploits, malware, ransomware, internet-based threats like phishing attacks, and government access to data. In this chapter, I will combine all these concepts into an examination of some of the cybersecurity strategies that I have seen employed in the industry over the past couple of decades. You have probably seen some of these before and perhaps have used some of them. My objective for this chapter isn’t to show you a bunch of strategies so that you can select one to use. My objective...