Training the Network
We have the data ready and we have the network. The goal of this section is to show you how to train the network with the data in the training set. This requires the selection of the loss function, the setting of the training parameters, the specification of the training set and the validation set, and the tracking of the training progress.
The key node for network training and for all these training settings is the Keras Network Learner node. This is a really powerful, really flexible node, with many possible settings, distributed over four tabs: Input Data, Target Data, Options, and Advanced Options.
The Keras Network Learner node has three input ports:
- Top port: The neural network you want to train
- Middle port: The training set
- Lowest port: The optional validation set
It has one output port, exporting the trained network.
In addition, the node has the Learning Monitor view, which you can use to monitor the network training progress...