Indenting code
A very long method is hard to read and follow at the best of times, especially when you have to scroll through the method many times to get to the bottom of it. However, having to do that with methods that are not properly formatted with the correct levels of indentation can be a real nightmare.
Fortunately, Visual Studio is good at taking care of this. However, arguments among teammates on the matter of indentation and whether it should be tabs or spaces, and if spaces, how many spaces, can erupt from time to time. That’s why the team needs to agree on a coding style and stick to it. The code standard agreed upon can be implemented in a linting tool such as StyleCop, SonarLint, dotnet-format, or ReSharper. Again, the team will need to agree on the standard tool used for linting.
If you ever encounter any method code that is poorly formatted, then make it your own responsibility, as a professional coder, to tidy the code up before you do anything else. Any...