Creating a Cine Camera Actor and exploring its settings
Until now in this book, we have created everything through the technical eyes of the Engine’s default camera; and that was the correct thing to do because we were studying all the different techniques we need to craft environments. But now, it’s time to valorize our work by seeing it through the eyes of a Cine Camera Actor and understand how to use it to frame a portion of our environment.
A Cine Camera Actor is a digitalization of a real-life camera that simulates all the different settings and physical characteristics that a real-life camera has.
We can create a Cine Camera Actor in a couple of different ways:
- We can find Cine Camera Actor inside the Place Actor panel under the Cinematic category.

Figure 11.1 – Cine Camera Actor inside the Place Actor Panel
By clicking on the Cine Camera Actor entry, the Engine will add the Cine Camera Actor at a random position...