A simple serial echo
In order to explain a simple serial port communication, we can use the code stored in the chapter_06/echo.py
file in the book's example code repository on our host PC, as a serial device that echos the serial data received from the BeagleBone Black.
The code is quite self-explanatory; however, we should note that the serial parameters are set during the communication channel created with the following code:
# Configure the serial connections ser = serial.Serial( port = dev, baudrate = 115200, bytesize = 8, parity = 'N', stopbits = 1, timeout = None, xonxoff = 0, rtscts = 0 )
While the main server and client functionalities are covered in the homonym-named functions server()
and client()
You will notice that this program can work in both server or client mode just by using the correct command line:
root@BeagleBone:~# ./echo.py -h usage: echo...