How the exam is scored
AWS certification exams are broken down into domains. Although the domains have different scoring levels, it is important to have a mastery of all domains since missing just one or two questions can mean the difference in passing or failing the exam. There are two types of questions that are presented in the exam:
- Multiple choice questions: These questions have one correct response.
- Multiple selection questions: These questions have two or more correct responses.
For multiple selection questions, no partial credit is given. You must select all of the correct answers to gain the points for that question. Also, unanswered questions are counted as incorrect answers. This means you are better off guessing at an answer than leaving it blank.
Figure 23.1 – The six domains on the DevOps Professional Certification exam
The exam itself is 180 minutes or 3 hours in length, with 80 questions in total. This leaves you...