Chapter 4. Getting to "You're Hired"
The recruitment process isn't vastly different from the dating process; you want your company to look attractive to the opposite side, which is what we spoke about in Chapter 2, Be Clear on What Your Organization Has to Offer. Then, you want to provide opportunities for them to meet with you and get to know you better, which was dealt with in Chapter 3, Creativity Rules in Gaining Graduate Interest. So, in this chapter, we want to take the next step from the first date to, hopefully, a long-term relationship.
You will learn about timing in the recruitment process, screening candidates, and interview practices. Once you have narrowed down your choices, I will share the next steps with you to make sure you eliminate risks and surprises on the path to hiring the right candidate for your company and the job.
I would expect that by engaging in some of the steps of the previous chapters, you will have attracted the interest of IT graduates, and they will have...