Implementing smart object logic
We are now ready to create the Blueprint that will contain the Smart Object definition, making it a fully functional Smart Object. To do so, follow these steps:
- Open the
folder and create a new Blueprint extending from Actor. Call itBP_Workbench
. Double-click on the newly created asset to open it. - In the Components panel, add a StaticMesh component and select it.
- In the Details panel, set the Rotation property to
(0.0, 0.0, -90.0)
and the Static Mesh property to Workbench_Decorated_Workbench_Decorated. - In the Components panel, add a SmartObject component and select it.
- In the Details panel, locate the Smart Object category and set the Smart Object Definition property to SOD_Workbench. The viewport should now look like the one shown in Figure 14.4:

Figure 14.4 – Viewport
Now, open the Event Graph panel and do the following steps:
- Add an OnSmartObjectEvent node.
- Connect...