Innovating AI with Google Translate
In this chapter, we will illustrate how to innovate existing AI through Google Translate. First, we will start by understanding the difference between inventions, innovations, disruption, high-priced products, and revolutions, and how we can create an impact on an AI innovation.
Sometimes, a developer will confuse an invention with innovation, leading to a major failure in a key AI project. Some AI designers take a revolution to mean a disruption, leading to early sales and then nothing.
Once we have defined the key concepts of innovation, we will use Google Translate to understand the linguistic principles that surround natural language processing (NLP).
Google Translate entered the market in 2006 and was enhanced by neural networks in 2016, but still, it often produces bad answers. Is that good news or bad news? We will implement Google's API in a Python program to find out how to uncover false translations from...