Evaluating your current budget and potential impact of budget changes
Budget ideas is a tool in AdWords that can help you evaluate if there is more potential for traffic within your campaigns, as well as how many more clicks you could get if you increased your budget.
Getting ready
Most advertisers do not have unlimited budgets and will not be able to afford increasing their spending to maximize all available clicks. Before you increase your budget, make sure a campaign is profitable first. Review your conversions and cost-per-conversion data and consider increasing your budget if the campaign is cost effective.
How to do it...
To evaluate your current budget and potential impact of budget changes, perform the following steps:
Click on the Campaigns tab, and check if any of your campaigns have the Limited by budget message.
Click on the graph icon to the right of the Limited by budget message to explore how different budget increases can impact clicks and costs.
Choose your new budget amount and...