Hosting your Docker images on AWS ECR
Previously, we have been building images for Compose applications that would later be stored and retrieved from the Docker host. To use the Docker images on ECS, a Docker Image registry is essential. The registry to use on AWS is ECR. By using ECR, we push and pull the images from the registry and use them on any workstation or server that has Docker installed, provided we have configured access to that registry.
ECR is a fully managed container registry. It is a highly available solution backed by AWS Simple Storage Service (S3), thus images are stored across multiple systems. Also, it has features such as scanning the images for vulnerabilities. By using a managed container registry, the maintenance overhead is reduced; for example, there is no need to provision a server or plan the storage capacity.
Another benefit of ECR is how well integrated it is with the rest of the AWS services. An ECS server or a Lambda function, provided they...