Making the connector
Start a new blender project, clear the workspace, and save the file. Create a new directory under the Makerbot Blueprints
directory in Documents called Ch 5 Robot Toy
. Enter the directory and save this file as Peg.blend

Instead of designing everything in one file in this project, multiple files will be generated. This is a good way to keep parts organized, and keep the outliner from being overrun with objects. This is especially a good idea when the parts being designed might be reusable in future projects.
Add (Shift + A) a Cylinder to the scene. Change the cylinder's Radius to
to bring it to a total diameter of 7mm.In the Properties pane under the Object tab change the name of the cylinder to PegBody.
Rotate (R) the PegBody around the y axis (Y)
If the rotation is accomplished with the key sequence R, Y then type
and press Enter to end the rotation action, it doesn't matter what view it is done in, the result will always be the same.In the Front...