In this article, by Douglas Reynolds author of the book Learning Grunt, you will learn about Grunt plugins as they are core of the Grunt functionality and are an important aspect of Grunt as plugins are what we use in order to design an automated build process.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
At this point, you should be asking yourself, what plugins can benefit me the most and why? Once you ask these questions, you may find that a natural response will be to ask further questions such as "what plugins are available?" This is exactly the intended purpose of this section, to introduce useful Grunt plugins and describe their intended purpose.
This is, in the author's opinion, probably the most useful plugin available. The contrib-watch plugin responds to changes in files defined by you and runs additional tasks upon being triggered by the changed file events. For example, let's say that you make changes to a JavaScript file. When you save, and these changes are persisted, contrib-watch will detect that the file being watched has changed. An example workflow might be to make and save changes in a JavaScript file, then run Lint on the file. You might paste the code into a Lint tool, such as, or you might run an editor plugin tool on the file to ensure that your code is valid and has no defined errors. Using Grunt and contrib-watch, you can configure contrib-watch to automatically run a Grunt linting plugin so that every time you make changes to your JavaScript files, they are automatically lined.
Installation of contrib-watch is straight forward and accomplished using the following npm-install command:
npm install grunt-contrib-watch –save-dev
The contrib-watch plugin will now be installed into your node-module directory. This will be located in the root of your project, you may see the Angular-Seed project for an example. Additionally, contrib-watch will be registered in package.json, you will see something similar to the following in package.json when you actually run this command:
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.4.0"
Notice the tilde character (~) in the grunt-contrib-watch: 0.5.3 line, the tilde actually specifies that the most recent minor version should be used when updating. Therefore, for instance, if you updated your npm package for the project, it would use 0.5.4 if available; however, it would not use 0.6.x as that is a higher minor version. There is also a caret character (^) that you may see. It will allow updates matching the most recent major version. In the case of the 0.5.3 example, 0.6.3 will be allowed, while 1.x versions are not allowed.
At this point, contrib-watch is ready to be configured into your project in a gruntfile, we will look more into the gruntfile later. It should be noted that this, and many other tasks, can be run manually. In the case of contrib-watch, once installed and configured, you can run the grunt watch command to start watching the files. It will continue to watch until you end your session.
The contrib-watch has some useful options. While we won't cover all of the available options, the following are some notable options that you should be aware of. Make sure to review the documentation for the full listing of options:
The contrib-jshint plugin is to run automated JavaScript error detection and will help with identifying potential problems in your code, which may surface during the runtime. When the plugin is run, it will scan your JavaScript code and issue warnings on the preconfigured options. There are a large number of error messages that jshint might provide and it can be difficult at times to understand what exactly a particular message might be referring to. Some examples are shown in the following:
The list goes on and there are resources such as, whose purpose is to help you understand what a particular warning/error message means.
Installation of contrib-jshint follows the same pattern as other plugins, using npm to install the plugin in your project, as shown in the following:
npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev
This will install the contrib-jshint plugin in your project's node-modules directory and register the plugin in your devDependencies section of the package.json file at the root of your project. It will be similar to the following:
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.4.5"
Similar to the other plugins, you may manually run contrib-jshint using the grunt jshint command. The contrib-jshint is jshint, therefore, any of the options available in jshint may be passed to contrib-jshint. Take a look at for a complete listing of the jshint options. Options are configured in the gruntfile.js file that we will cover in detail later in this book. Some examples of options are as follows:
The contrib-jshint allows you to configure the files that will be linted, the order in which the linting will occur, and even control linting before and after the concatenation. Additionally, contrib-jshint allows you to suppress warnings in the configuration options using the ignore_warning option.
Compression and minification are important for reducing the file sizes and contributing for better loading times to improve the performance. The contrib-uglify plugin provides the compression and minification utility by optimizing the JavaScript code and removing unneeded line breaks and whitespaces. It does this by parsing JavaScript and outputting regenerated, optimized, and code with shortened variable names for example.
The contrib-uglify plugin is installed in your project using the npm install command, just as you will see with all the other Grunt plugins, as follows:
npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
After you run this command, contrib-uglify will be installed in your node-modules directory at the root of your application. The plugin will also be registered in your devDependencies section of package.json. You should see something similar to the following in devDependencies:
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.4.0"
In addition to running as an automated task, contrib-uglify plugin may be run manually by issuing the grunt uglify command. The contrib-uglify plugin is configured to process specific files as defined in the gruntfile.js configuration file. Additionally, contrib-uglify will have defined output destination files that will be created for the processed minified JavaScript. There is also a beautify option that can be used to revert the minified code, should you wish to easily debug your JavaScript.
A useful option that is available in conntrib-uglify is banners. Banners allow you to configure banner comments to be added to the minified output files. For example, a banner could be created with the current date and time, author, version number, and any other important information that should be included. You may reference your package.json file in order to get information, such as the package name and version, directly from the package.json configuration file.
Another notable option is the ability to configure directory-level compiling of files. You achieve this through the configuration of the files option to use wildcard path references with file extension, such as **/*.js. This is useful when you want to minify all the contents in a directory.
The contrib-less is a plugin that compiles LESS files into CSS files. The LESS provides extensibility to standard CSS by allowing variables, mixins (declaring a group of style declarations at once that can be reused anywhere in the stylesheet), and even conditional logic to manage styles throughout the document.
Just as with other plugins, contrib-less is installed to your project using the npm install command with the following command:
npm install grunt-contrib-less –save-dev
The npm install will add contrib-less to your node-modules directory, located at the root of your application. As we are using --save-dev, the task will be registered in devDependencies of package.json. The registration will look something similar to the following:
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-less": "~0.4.5"
Typical of Grunt tasks, you may also run contrib-less manually using the grunt less command. The contrib-less will be configured using the path and file options to define the location of source and destination output files. The contrib-less plugin can also be configured with multiple environment-type options, for example dev, test, and production, in order to apply different options that may be needed for different environments.
Some typical options used in contrib-less include the following:
There are several more options that are not listed here, make sure to refer to the documentation for the full listing of contrib-less options and example usage.
In this article we have covered some basic grunt plugins.
Further resources on this subject: