Bless! Keep the thing in check, respectively for hosted and standalone sites:
Get help fast or just say "Hi", again both for the hosted and standalone versions:
.com support
The official help center for non-standalone wordpress.com
Dollop-sized scoops of news, tutorials, and more with this round-up of WordPress blogs:
Development updates
Follow the platform's progress with the core developers' blog:
Reporting Bugs
If you find a bug in the core, read this before issuing a ticket at the WordPress Trac:
Security issues
Or if you think there is a more serious problem with the core, send the developers an e-mail (and don't blog about it ... talk costs sites!):
Plugin Repository Trac
Non-core bug tracking lives here (as well as at the developer's site and at wordpress.org
forums). If you find a threat please e-mail the developer, pronto, and if you get no timely response about a plugin in the official repository, then e-mail <security@wordpress.org>
Plugins and themes
WordPress-hosted plugins and themes:
Plugins and themes source
Or just grab the source code:
If you've got a gripe with the core, then rant to the developers. Or if you have an idea ...
Get niche feedback now. There are many WP channels ... but be wary with IRC users: