So far, we have seen how to present data with Shiny apps for the end user. Now it's time to develop gadgets for R coders. The main difference between Shiny apps and Shiny gadgets is that apps are deployed on servers, such as or a deployable server, but gadgets are to be called from the code from R Script. At the same time, Shiny gadgets can be registered with RStudio as add-ins.
Shiny gadgets have been developed to make repeatable tasks easily doable, such as importing data in the right formats, cleaning data, manipulating, or visualization. Now let's see how to write Shiny gadgets:
library(shiny) library(miniUI) newGadget <- function(inputVal1, inputVal2) { ui <- miniPage( gadgetTitleBar("New Gadget"), # title of Gadget miniContentPanel( # layout, inputs, outputs ) ) server <- function...