Working Online
If we have an internet connection at the remote location, we have several ways to remotely connect to a SourceSafe database as follows:
Native HTTP(S) access
Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection
Third-party solutions
Using the Native HTTP(S) Access
Visual SourceSafe 2005 has native HTTP(S) access by using the built-in XML web service.
The native HTTP(S) access is available only when using the Visual SourceSafe internet plug-in with Visual Studio or any other Integrated Development Environment that supports the source control (MSSCCI) plug-ins for SourceSafe.
For more information about installing and configuring this web service please refer to Appendixes A and B.
By default, clients using the Visual Studio SourceSafe internet plug-in connect through the Internet using an encrypted SSL connection to the XML web service interface. The internet plug-in is optimized for low speed connections.
Connecting to the Database
To connect to the SourceSafe database over the Internet...