Working Offline
Working offline is a scenario that can appear at the local development site if the SourceSafe server is temporarily down, at a remote location if we lose connection to the SourceSafe server, or if we use a mobile computer at several locations where we may or may not have a connection to the SourceSafe server.
You should avoid working offline when possible as it can lead to data loss if one is not careful. If, however, you find yourself in this situation, you must consider a number of scenarios in order to avoid the loss of data.
We are going to look at some possible scenarios and see what to do and what no to do in certain situations.
Loosing the LAN Connection to the Database
In this scenario we are working using the SourceSafe LAN plug-in from the local development site. While working, for some reason, the connection to the SourceSafe database becomes unavailable. We need to perform a source control operation, for example, check out a file in order to make some changes...