Setting morph weights in code
In this recipe we'll compare setting Morph target values on a pawn through UnrealScript with doing so on a SkeletalMeshMAT using Matinee. This will bridge us between the previous lesson and the next one, which is also about character handling in Matinee. Both the examples in this lesson use the MorphTargets included in the FBX SkeletalMesh asset, which in the case of Packt_SkinTailFBX, our character, shrink each of her rather large ears.
Getting ready
Load the scene Packt_03_MatineeMorph_Start.UDK. This already includes a placed SkeletalMesh asset, and its preview assets have already been added to save time, since we already did similar steps in the recipe Attachments to SkeletalMeshes without using sockets.
How to do it...
In the scene, select the actor SkeletalMeshMAT_0. This is a special instance of a SkeletalMesh asset which has been added using the right-click command: Add SkeletalMeshMAT: Packt_SkinTailFBX. Press Ctrl + B to highlight the asset in the browser...