Understanding the usage of Named Variables
In this recipe we'll introduce a way to simplify the connections of Object Variables. The reason to do so is because in the next recipe we'll introduce Sub-Sequences, which are a way to layer out sections of Kismet, and using Named Variables are often necessary when doing so. A good case for introducing the benefit of Named Variables is in the case of Bots. When a spawned actor is referenced by actions many times, you wind up with connections to it from multiple locations, which can get messy. We'll take steps to clean up a section of Kismet we've made in previous recipes to show how Named Variables are set up.
Getting ready
Open Packt_04_NamedVariable_Start.UDK or continue from where you were in the last recipe if you completed it. In this map the Bot handling is already set up, from previous recipes. Look at the section Bot Handling.
How to do it...
- In the top row of Kismet there is a means to set bookmarks of the Kismet canvas so you can jump around...