You'll totally flip
Let's make sure we're on the same page when I say "flip n' match memory game". That's the kind of game where you take a deck of playing cards and lay them out in a grid on the table. Then, two or more players take turns flipping over a set of two cards. If the pair of cards matches (that is, two 10s, two queens, and so on), then that player clears the matching pair from the table and gets to flip again. Otherwise, the cards are turned back facedown and the next player gets a turn. The game ends when the grid is cleared. The winning player is the one who collects the most matching cards.
To start, we're going to build the basic solitaire (one-player) flip n' match game in the Unity GUI, using robots on the cards. Here's how it will look when you're finished:

There are lots of things that make flip n' match memory an ideal learning game for new developers. It's extremely versatile! The pictures on the cards can be anything you like—you can skin the game in endless ways. You...