Step 5: Downloading the 345M-parameter GPT-2 model
We will now download the trained 345M-parameter GPT-2 model:
#@title Step 5: Downloading the 345M parameter GPT-2 Model
# run code and send argument
import os # after runtime is restarted
!python3 '345M'
The path to the model directory is:
It contains the information we need to run the model:
Figure III.4: The GPT-2 Python files of the 345M-parameter model
The hparams.json
file contains the definition of the GPT-2 model:
, the size of the vocabulary of the model"n_ctx"
, the context size"n_embd"
, the embedding size"n_head"
, the number of heads"n_layer"
, the number of layers
and vacab.bpe
contain the tokenized vocabulary and the BPE word pairs. If necessary, take a few...