Sometimes, we get error messages. The one you might see after trying to upload code is Cannot run program "{}\bin\arm-non-eabi-g++"
. This likely means that you are missing an important installation, in which case you must ensure that the Arduino SAMD boards package has been installed on your system. It is important to have both the Arduino and Adafruit SAMD board packages installed.
To fix this, you can navigate to the Tools | Board | Boards Manager menu, as shown in the following screenshot, but you can also click on the second icon down on the left-hand side of the program.
Figure 3.28 – Accessing Boards Manager
The second, quicker way to access the Boards Manager window is using the left-hand side menu. The icon that looks like a circuit board (highlighted in the following screenshot) opens Boards Manager too. This icon will open a side panel, as shown in the following screenshot,...