Slice to New MIDI Track
The Slice to New MIDI Track command will allow you to slice (or chop up) audio and trigger the slices with MIDI notes.
This way, you can re-sequence audio material, and play the slices like an instrument.
To do this, see the following:
- Navigate in the project to the track called SLICE.
- Make sure the audio is warped correctly.
- Ctrl + click (right-click on Windows) on the audio clip and choose Slice to New MIDI track from the contextual menu.
- You will see a pop-up window:
Figure 9.8 – Slice to New MIDI track pop-up window
The first dropdown (Create one slice per:) will allow you to choose how you want to slice the audio (by what value). I chose Transient, so Live will create a slice by each transient of the clip.
When I work with more complex audio material and I’d like to manipulate this slicing further, I tend to choose Create one slice per: Warp Marker. Before I got to this...